Min 2-åring sover inte under fullmåne!

Min 2-åring sover inte under fullmåne!

Just fullmåne tider kan vara knepiga eftersom energierna är så starka och många (framförallt kvinnor och barn) påverkas av dessa individuellt. Barn är väldigt intuitiva och det kan vara så att budskap kommer till henne genom drömmarna så du kan också be henne....

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Creating Space

Clearing. Chopping. Raking. Cutting. Lifting. Moving.

The muddy jungle soil covers my face, my hands, and fills the space underneath my nails to make me understand we are one and the same.

Moving rocks from one place to another; creating paths and openings. New beginnings. Release.

Ticks are biting and crawling all over my legs and up the ass, biting again even harder this time. Itchy, muddy sweaty and part of it all.

Open circles opening the heart. And we become spirals and trees.




Mama Jungle says:" Lift your head. Raise your eyes towards the tall trees. Rest here. In the space you created."


We share the silence of focus. Snakes bless our work. We are welcome here. She gifts us bamboo trees and we chop them, flatten them and build a bridge.

We build a bridge to unite the people.

Raking and clearing. The wheelbarrow fills up: what is not wanted in one place gets an important role somewhere else. Paths are made. The secret passageway in the jungle starts to show for the one who looks.

We create paths across the worlds.

And you are welcome here,  dear one. We are all welcome here.

Indiana Jones hanging bridge

Indiana Jones hanging bridge



I am blessed with having family in many parts of the globe. It is with deep gratitude and humility me and my husband offer our service to Mother Earth. To create and hold ceremonial space is such profound work. I and we are happy and grateful to be part of this creations work; to plant seeds of community and to share the tales of ancient traditions. Everywhere we go, we will carry this work in our hearts and our feet. And we invite you to join the feast!

More tales will come, the land will expand.

Thank you.


Cantantes and Tatarahuehue

Cantantes and Tatarahuehue

Yoga Teacher Training Costa Rica

Guanacaste province is located in the northwest of Costa Rica. This province is the warmest in the country and between November and April there is hardly any rain (dry season), resulting in dry forests and a desert like climate.

During one of these hot months is when I decided it was a good time to do a Yoga Teacher Training. It happened to be located just outside of Tamarindo, which is basically as far as you can go from Puerto Viejo (southeastern corner of the country). And it was indeed hot, even I used air-condition! And, occasionally, I really missed the green jungle and all its sounds, movements, rain and humidity. I was surprised, however, that the howler monkeys woke us up around 5 am still, and they were close! Strolling around the surrounding areas showed me the many mango trees and it started to make sense why heaps of monkey families were hanging around in the desert.

Sunset Playa Negra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

We started late in the mornings (6:45), when the sun was already up, making the sun heat the shala to a boiling temperature by the end of practice (9:30).  Everyday we also practiced teaching, had philosophy class, anatomy class and Yin Yoga. In total, we did more or less five to six hours of physical practice everyday. I truly enjoy that kind of intensity every now and again. The regularity takes my practice to new levels and the wisdom from the physical asanas (postures) grows deeper inside me. For anyone wanting to experience profound transformation, I recommend trying longer retreats (no matter what level you’re at on your path). And of course, I recommend joining me and Yoga By Magie for any workshops, classes and retreats :)

Reversed Prayer. Sunset Jaco Beach, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica

Every seventh day we had a day off. If you’re a yoga junkie, it’s hard not to do any practice at all, even though the body really needs some rest to process what it’s learning. I kept my morning meditations, in addition to going with some of the girls to Playa Negra to try Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga for the first time! We went to an empty beach where the ocean was quiet enough to not knock us of balance. Doing yoga outside can be challenging, but if you’re used to it and have a good drishti (focus) you will enjoy SUP yoga. My favorite part was lying in Savasana (on my back), hands touching the water, looking up to Father Sky and Grandmother Moon, noticing the shore with its trees in the distance while the sun was setting over the west coast of Costa Rica. Big hug to Naturalbeautyyoga who showed us this place!

I am grateful for having met such a beautiful group of strong, independent and open-minded women. Already a couple days in, I asked to experiment with them by guiding them through a drum meditation and ended up doing another one the week after. Thank you all for being so receptive and for everything you shared during these weeks!

Me and two of the girls drove down to Jaco for a couple of nights to get a different scenery and some beach. While they headed back home to Canada, I went visiting another yogini in San Jose and together we bussed down to Puerto Viejo to watch the craziness of the last Easter days. That is to say, I am now back in the buzzing jungle doing yoga, writing on the porch, doing sweat lodges and work at the wellness center.

Sabeena, Megan, Magie at Jaco Beach, Costa Rica

What did you do for Easter?


Pura Vida


Famous sunset Jaco Beach, Costa RIca. Foto: Magdalena Larsson

Famous sunset Jaco Beach, Costa RIca. Foto: Magdalena Larsson

Work Weekend in San José

Every time I visit the capital of Costa Rica I have a list of things I need to get done and buy and people to visit. It is busy, but I like it! This last time, I went to buy yarn for Made By Magie’s famous Yoga Socks and material for the MBM jewelry. Thanks to having done some research on where to shop for these rather specific things during my first year in Costa I crossed of the list fairly fast and had time to visit a friend in Ciudad Colon for a cooking gathering Friday night! In addition to bulk up with even more stuff to carry around (hrm), I was gonna try selling some products at the organic market Feria Verde where my friend sells his raw food. This is the place where you find vegan ice cream, raw food, the coming week's veggies, handicrafts, incense, and organic and local everything. In addition, it is a good hang out with amazing people and a tranquil oasis in down town San Jose.

Vegan CocoChoco ice cream YUM! At Feria Verde de Aranjuéz, San José Costa Rica

Vegan CocoChoco ice cream YUM! At Feria Verde de Aranjuéz, San José Costa Rica

From 7 am to 1 pm Saturday I was eating yumminess, catching up with friends, meeting new ones, selling some tinctures and buying a great deal of good-to-have things.

As I’ve mentioned before, Saturday is when people in San Jose hang out in the parks all day, doing all kinds of fun stuff together. Needless to say, we went straight from the market to chill in Parque Morazan where we listened to bongo drums and watched some kind of silent operetta.

Barrio Escalante, Feria Verde

Barrio Escalante, Feria Verde

Hula-hoops is the new thing here, are they popular in Sweden and other places too?

Parque Morazán, San José Costa Rica. Enamorate de tu ciudad.

How Lonely Planet can claim this city to be grey, dirty and boring is to me a great mystery. Backpackers are happy to sign their statement and on their website LP has a list over the world’s worst cities, where San José comes as number 10. Why? 

By singing, dancing and playing music together, your heart frequencies become the same and, thus, you are spreading good vibrations to the world where they bounce on to other people, sharing the love. Too me, that's the opposite of grey and boring!

What is your least favorite city?

Things I don’t Like About Costa Rica

or 6 Things I Forgot Exist In Paradise

We have a tendency to only remember the good things about a place, person or other memory that has faded to a smiling grey veil in the back of our head. And it is in fact hard to come up with a list of things I don’t like about Costa Rica - or things I had forgotten that I don’t like maybe. I have let this stew boil in my head for the last two days and I have not yet managed to come up with something that is easily digestible. However, I can tell you about the things I managed to forget during the time I was away. 

Here goes:

1. Ants. Ants in the bed. Ants in the computer. And, of course, ants in the kitchen. Scorpions inside when it’s raining. Maybe boa constrictors should go on here as well. Even though I like reptiles, I don’t want a snake to fall onto my mosquito net and down in to my bed when I’m sleeping. Basically, any animal I don’t like to have in my home but get to host any way qualifies here. I still love them, and the jungle, but you get my point.


2. Con permiso. When entering someone’s house, this is what you have to remember saying, at least if you want to be polite and be part of the culture. I never remember. I want to remember. I really do. I know it is a significant cultural feature. I just NEVER remember. Nor answering propio in those cases I should (like after someone saying con permiso).

3. Toilet paper in basket and unreliable showers. The bathroom annoyance. Actually, I have never been annoyed with having to throw the paper in the basket instead of in the toilet; but it takes me a couple days to remember doing it. Not having a working shower (or a promised to be warm water shower that is freezing) on the other hand…. Yes, I admit it: it is annoying!

4. Being able to drink the tap water in Costa Rica. Just not in Puerto Viejo. It is such a blessing to be able to drink the tap water! It makes me both sad and annoyed that we don’t have that privilege on the Caribbean coast. I don’t like buying a lot of plastic, but I have to if I want to drink water. And if I forget buying water, then I don’t have anything to drink and remember this first when dinner is ready and the grocery store is closed. Always.

5. Mosquito nets. I usually don’t use one but depending on the house and how it is built, sometimes I have to. However, a net is not needed (depending on how you nervous you are about dengue that is) because of the mosquitos; there aren’t that many mosquitos here (if you think it is: go visit Northern Sweden during summer!). No, I want a net because of the rats and the mice and the gecko poo (that suddenly falls down from nowhere) and the huge grasshoppers or maybe some other flying creature that is lost. In some sleeping settings I simply prefer a net. But nets make me feel trapped so I don’t like it.

6. How you’re always out of lighters (or stuck with a bunch of non working lighters). You need a lighter for a lot of stuff around here, the most frequently situation is happening in the kitchen.

Reading this list, I realize it is a perfectly weird mix of nature/environment and language related issues. Seeing that those are some of my favorite fields, I understand I still have work to do. Great news in other words! I continue to be a humble student of the fascinating subjects that constitute life.

Speaking of, I will be offline and not reachable for the coming week or so. I will go to study indigenous traditions under the moon, and together with my sisters learn about the healing art of dance.


Where in the world are you reading this? And what healing arts are your favorites to journeying with? Contribute in the comments below :)

Pura Vida

Vad Gör Man i Växjö på Vintern?

Vad Händer i Växjö på Vintern? Här kommer en Topp 5!


Många, både i och utanför Sverige verkar tro att vintern i norr enbart handlar om kyla, mörker och mer kyla. Självklart är det kallt men man kan ju virka sina egna sockor, mössor, pannband, vantar och annat man kan tänkas behöva för att hålla sig varm- som folk gjort i alla tider! Vill man inte göra det själv så går det självklart bra att beställa från Made By Magie :)

Vintern är en tid för vila och att vända sig inåt. Särskilt november kan vara utmanande och ställa krav på att man möter sina inre demoner. Men sen i december börjar allt sakta förändras. Vi förbereder oss för något: att ljuset ska återvända! Detta händer på vintersolståndet den 21/22 december (för norra hemisfären). Hela december är som en väg av ljus för att påminna oss om att mörkret snart minskar. Under tiden kan vi passa på att njuta av en massa trevligheter runt omkring; svenskar verkar vara bra på att skapa utrymmen för att dela värme, musik och leenden.

Jag har skrivit den här listan till alla er som vill boosta vinterinspiration. För senaste nytt, spana in Växjös gratistidning och evenemangskalendern. Nedan listar jag några av mina favoritaktiviteter under december. 


1. Julmarknaden på Kulturparken Småland. Om du av en anledning eller annan letar julklappar så kan du både hitta innovativa presenter och bli inspirerad. Genom att besöka marknaden har du har möjlighet att stödja hantverkskonsten och uppmuntra unga konstnärer, eftersom designprogrammet även säljer sina alster. Både trevligare än stora shopping-gallerior och mer hållbart för vårt samhälle! Dessutom får du ju gå runt och mysa på museet en hel dag (varning för labyrintgångar!). 

2. En riktigt fin högtrycksdag med sol och lagom mycket kyla traskar jag gärna omkring i naturen, runt någon av Växjös många sjöar. På den här listan föreslår jag Bokhultet eftersom det ligger nära stan men ändå så pass långt iväg att det känns som man kommit ut på landet. Oljud från stadens tempo hörs inte här. Det är det bara fågelsång som gör. Ta en liten paus för att andas i skogen, njuta av solstrålarna och värmande ayurvediskt te eller choklad.

Ljusdekoration skapad av Moder Jord

3.  Samlas för värme, ljus och gemenskap genom Yoga och Kirtan. Håll koll på Yoga By Magie, Ananda Yoga, Kirtan och Veda för senaste nytt gällande workshops, jul-och nyårsyoga! 

4. Även om kristendom inte är din grej så är du fortfarande välkommen att lyssna på gratis konserter i kyrkan. Domkyrkan arrangerar ett flertal konserter under december och, ja, de är ofta baserade på sånger som tillhör den patriarkaliska religion som kallas Kristendomen. Men det spelar ingen roll eftersom musiken, värmen, tillhörigheten och de goda vibrationerna från sången ändå sänder ut kärlek som fyller bröstkorgen. Och Love is all you need! 

5. Den här punkten är något som jag rekommenderar att göra var du än är och närhelst i tiden du befinner dig: titta upp och lägg märke till detaljerna runt dig! Se skönheten i din hemstad (där man vanligen blir ”hemmablind”), lägg märke till livets underbara detaljer; både de skapade av Moder Jord och de som är planterade av människohand. Som glaskonsten på Sandgärdsgatan t.ex. Ta en paus i ditt fikande och promenera längs med glasgatan för att ge konsten lite extra uppmärksamhet innan du går vidare till nästa kaffe.

Så kryp ut ur era glögg-möten och njut av snön, ljusdekorationerna, marknaderna och musiken! Har du själv några sköna vintertips? Dela med dig av inspirerande ord och aktiviteter i kommentarerna nedan!

We are all love

We are all one




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